Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sprinkles, really.

So, I know that these sprinkles are all the same color, and all the same shape but they were super cute and I love dinosaurs so I decided to use them nonetheless. :)

Lately, my thought life has been just like a handful of sprinkles. Scattered, numerous, and different. Please forgive me in advance if my thoughts are jumbled and random, but then again, it is me we're talking about here, and I rarely make any sense. :) So this semester has just started and I love my classes so far. It's a totally weird and different dynamic taking online classes exclusively online.. I am not sure at this point, but I don't think that I will really like not having an actual class to interact in, if there's one thing that I've learned, it's to never judge a book by its cover, so I suppose I'll find out soon enough. For now, I am content with my classes and excited and that's really all that matters. :)

So I've been flipping channels over my day off and apparently there's this show coming out on Mtv called, "The Buried Life" and it really is an interesting concept. Probably the first really worth while show to ever hit Mtv if you ask me. The concept behind this show was that if you only had a limited amount of time to live, what would you do? I know that the thought seems cliche at this point, and that movies like The Bucket List, etc.. etc.. have overpopularized this concept, but it holds such a relevant idea because inwardly, we all have things we want to accomplish in this life. It really got me thinking.. what if we all lived our lives like this on a daily basis? I mean, if you look at it, we really should. We are not omniscient, nor omnipotent. The Bible clearly states that our lives are like a vapor. You never know what day will be your last. I guess the thing that boggles my mind is how we can live the way we live when we are made fully aware, from a very early age that we are not invincible.. I mean, wouldn't you want to make the most of your life? Strive to not have any regrets? Let your loved ones know that you love them, be nice to your neighbors, tell someone that Jesus loves them? Please don't misunderstand me. I am not advocating that we are filled with terror for our lives because they are not certain.. I am simply posing the question, "what if?" That brings me to another thought. Why is it that it takes disaster to make us act like decent human beings? For example, the earthquake in Haiti. It truly grieves my heart to see such an already broken country fall apart. My heart really cries out for the people in Haiti and I have been praying for them and I am so, so touched to see not only our country, but other countries respond to the need and the cry of the Haitians. BUT. That's exactly what got me thinking. Why, why, why does it take a 7.0 earthquake to make us react like humans? We should have already been willing to reach out to a country that was struggling so desperately. Please understand, that I am including myself in this. I know that I also contribute to the problem.. I am vocalizing the random thoughts that are running through this crazy mind. Haha. :)

On another note, my dog Cheerio has been sick. We don't quite know what's wrong with him, but we took him to the vet today and they are running tests. Hopefully we will know by tomorrow, but the poor boy has been throwing up like mad. :( Oh, another random side loop. Family Guy. Have you guys ever seen the show? I don't think that there has ever been a show that I have HATED like I hate Family Guy, but I just do. I'm sorry if I am stepping on toes when I say this, and I am so sorry if you personally watch it, but it is just so.. degrading, and disrespecful, and stupid. The only reason I say it is because there are so many people that I know that watch this program and it just amazes me. Then again, there are many shows that I watch that people can't stand, so, what can I say. Potato, potatoh. :)

Oh, I've discovered something about myself. I've been working out loads lately, and I figured I needed to make a list of my favorite work out songs. I don't know if anyone cares to hear it, but I'm posting it. It's random, I warn ya. :)

* The Pokemon Theme Song (it's really inspiring.. listen to the words!)
* "It's a New Day" by Will.i.Am
* "ABC" by the Jackson 5
* "Please Don't Leave Me" by The Temptations (awesome song)
* Any Family Force Five
* "It's Not Unusual" by Tom Jones (don't ask.. I'm not quite sure I know myself.. haha)
* "Wolf Like Me" by TV on the Radio
* "I'm Not Your Toy" by LaRoux
* "Sleepyhead" by Passion Pit
* Any Black Eyed Peas
* Any Beyonce (woman power, seriously! She rocks, I don't care what anyone says.. lol)
* "Yeah Yeah" by Matt and Kim
* " Dance Hall" by Modest Mouse
* "Baby by Me" by 50 Cent (I know.. that is so out there.. and random.. but it's catchy.. haha!)
* Any Justin Timberlake (a workout playlist is not complete without him.. you know you secretly love him)

That's just to name a few. Haha. Ok, so on a closing note, I know this has been horribly, horribly scatterbrained of me.. I am so sorry that you have to make sense of my jumbled mind and God bless you if you have actually read this whole blog.. I love you! You guys are AWESOME. :)

.:Karla Carolina:.

P.S.- Somehow, someone switched the channel just now and Robin Williams is doing stand up. It is horrible. Please don't ever watch it. Love him as an actor..... not so much as a comedian. The End. :)

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year. New post.

Hello lovely, wonderful readers of mine! Happy New Year to you ALL! I hope you guys had a lovely time ringing in the new year with your friends and loved ones. :)
This past year has been a rough one, yet an unbelievably life changing one as well. I have learned so much in 2009 and God has totally rocked my world beyond what I could have guessed. God is so good! :) So I suppose I'll give you the run-down on what made 2009, well, 2009 for me. :) Here goes:


He is FAITHFUL. UNCHANGING. UNRELENTLESS. MIGHTY. POWERFUL. LOVING. COMPASSIONATE. BEAUTIFUL. PERFECT. I could go on and on about my God, but I just wanted to brush lightly and say that I love Him with the whole and entirety of this beating heart that He has so lovingly given me. Without Him, I would be lost, devastated, and completely hopeless. I am so thankful that He has revealed Himself to me, and has called me to do great things for His Kingdom. I am not worthy, and I am grateful. May I decrease, so that He may increase.


I learned that God reveals a peice of Himself in every one of my beautiful friends. Without them, my life would be utterly void and completely lifeless. I love them all more than I can explain and am thankful to God for them everyday.

Sometimes, God leads or calls us to places that are just puzzling. It's hard to trust Him when our selfish nature doesn't want to naturally obey, but obedience is better than sacrifice, and sweeter than wine. I made a major change this year, one that I honestly did not want to make at first, but am now grateful that I did. I don't know what God has up His sleeve, but I have it smells of greatness. :)

This is truthfully something that I have lost sight of over the past couple of years. My adopted parents are amazing, and I could not thank God more for placing them in my life. Seriously. They are wonderful, and put up with more than they should have to. Lol. But I have neglected my family in Miami for years. I felt it was time to change that, and I sought out to do so. In the process there has been alot of hurt, but alot of joy as well. I am so so thankful for my sister and my nephews. They are more than I could ever hope or ask for and they are following so closely after the Lord that it encourages me. I love them, and am so glad that I have had the chance to reconnect with them. :)

As if all this doesn't sound awesome enough, I had another incredibly pleasant surpise right before the New Year. I had been thinking over alot of mistakes that I had made in the past, and I prayed and felt led to correct one major mistake that I had regretted over the years. That in turn, led to a friendship being mended with one of my best friends, Lydia


I cannot tell you how happy I am that we have worked through things and are friends again. I am also thankful for a mended friendship with her mother, Lillian, whom I also had a close friendship with. Thank you, Jesus for second chances! :) Yay!

Well, lovelies. That is all that I can write for now, because I am off to run errands! I hadn't updated in a while.. yikes! I shall have to get better at that. I love you all dearly, and am praying blessings over you in this new year.

.:Karla:. :)

P.S.- I couldn't find any pictures of obedience and my family won't let me post any pictures of them. Go figure. Not to mention.. Blogger is being weird with photos. C'est la vie, I spose. :) Love you all!