Friday, November 27, 2009

Speak. Listen. Repeat.

Happy Belated Thanksgiving to all you lovely ones out there. :)
I hope your day was full of merriment, laughter, joy and warmth.
Woke up early yesterday morning to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade and it was splendid. I can't quite explain why I love that parade so much, but I always have. I suppose it has something to do with the whole awesome holiday spirit that emanates from it, but it's also something about seeing so many children, mothers, fathers, siblings happy if even for a few minutes on a T.V. screen. Some families, I am sure, come together specifically for the parade.. and if something like an annual parade can unite families, than I am all for it. So many children come from broken families and I try to make it habit to pray for those smiling, red cheeked faces that appear on the television screen during the broadcast. What saddens me about the whole ordeal is that in some cases, you know that it is merely temporary. It's sad, sad thing when something as small as a parade can unite families, but important things such as love, per se, cannot.

So for Thanksgiving dinner, we went over to the Garrido's and we had so much fun. We ate and went to the movie theatre to watch The Blindside, which by the way, is a great movie.

I cried for most of the movie, but then again, I knew going into it that that would be the case. I cry at the drop of a hat, I kid you not. Haha. It's comical, I suppose.. but in a strange way, I am thankful that I am wired with emotions as strong as mine. It's in the genetic DNA of an artist, I guess. :)

Things that I am grateful for, you ask? I thought you'd never ask. :) I am thankful for my God. I don't know where I would be without Him.. He is my EVERYTHING and without Him I am NOTHING. I love Him the whole of this beating heart. I am thankful for my family. It may be a broken family.. but I am thankful for them nonetheless. I am especially grateful for my sister and my nephews. I could not ask for better. I am also SO SO SO grateful for my adopted parents.. they are way more awesome and greater than I deserve and I thank God everyday for placing them in my lives. I am thankful for my wonderful friends. They keep me sane and have become more like family to me than anything else. They shine brighter than the sun in my eyes. It's true. I am thankful for the calling that the Lord has placed on my heart and I am thankful that He has made it possible for me to be able to fulfill that calling. I am thankful for the bright future that He has laid out for me. I am thankful for the food that I have to eat, the bed that I have to sleep in, and for the roof that I sleep under. I know that it is a commodity that many do not have and I praise God that He has blessed me with such simple commodities. I am thankful for books, for art, for music, for film, for laughter, for health, for snow, for love, and for life. Jesus is GOOD and I am thankful most of all for Jesus dying on the cross for a wretched sinner like me and for giving me life, and that more abundantly. May I decrease, so that He may increase.

So I discovered another awesome artist and have been listening to her non-stop for the past few weeks. Her name is Russian Red and she is absolutely fabulous.

I am not a huge fan of female singers.. but it seems that the female gender has been stepping it up lately in the music department because my list of favorite artists as of late grows largely female by the day. Yay for being a girl! I think I shall post a blog about music and my favorites in the future. I would try now, but alas, a major headache is moving in. Sadness. I love you all dearly! Later loves. :)

.:Ma Chere Etrange:.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Libros Bellos

See.. I have kept my promise thus far. This is my second post in ONE week! :)

And, just to be frankly honest, I'm not quite even sure why I am posting this. I have absolutely nothing to blog about, but I really felt like blogging so here goes. :) For some reason, I have had my days off from work two in a row.. and that rarely happens. Usually, I will have say, Sunday and Tuesday off, but never Monday and Tuesday consecutively. Anywho.. I noticed that though it is relaxing.. it is probably not the most beneficial. Haha. Allow me to explain. Apparently my mind and body get into the "WOO HOO! Days off!" mindset and it takes me a little longer to get used to reality and actually be fully functional in the workplace. It was so difficult to get into the groove of things today.. and there was a myriad of things that did not quite go smoothly.. not to mention.. today wanted to be a freak of nature and give us more customers than I have ever seen pile into our Starbuck's.. it was insane! We had lines completely out the door for a large part of the day. Needless to say.. I was elated when I got off of work at 1 pm. I did, however, manage to get a pound of our Starbuck's Thanksgiving Blend to enjoy on Thanksgiving! :) I am soo excited about Thanksgiving this year.. I am vacillating between making pumpkin bread or green tea cheesecake with raspberry tisane. Pumpkin bread will probably win out though.. since it is seasonal and all.. :) And yay for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.. I so wish I could be there in person. Maybe next year? :)

So I popped on over to Barnes and Noble after work (and I'm still quite sad that we don't get our discount there even though Barnes partners with Starbuck's.. lame) and bought a few classic books that I have been meaning to purchase such as Wuthering Heights, Les Miserables, and Sense and Sensibility. Books seriously are like cocaine to me. I am constantly reading.. sometimes.. more than one book! I don't mind being a nerd, though. 8) I love my books.

New Moon! Watched it twice this weekend.. it was that good. All I have to say is.. Auuuu! :) Taylor Lautner is too hot for his own good. I feel like a cougar.. but I can't help it.. the boy is beautiful. *swoon* He's only.. what.. 5 years younger than me? :) ) And I have to say, I love his long hair. Beautiful.

Wow.. this post is incredibly lame and unproductive. I suppose it happens from time to time. I'm going to go make some coffee and use my new reindeer mug while reading Les Mis.

Besos y abrazos.

.:Ma Chere Etrange:.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Fall Loveliness

Goodness. It's been so long since I have been on here.
Tssk. Tssk.
I don't think very many people read this to begin with, so I'm sure it's not that big of a deal.. but alas, I shall attempt to write more often.
So lots of changes have been made since I have updated last!
It's really just crazy and I find myself still reeling from change.. but it's a good change, and I am looking forward to what God has planned for me. :)

So.. Fall is here! And it makes me happy. It's getting chillier out, and everything just smells nicer. Crisp. Lovely, in short. Is it just me, that thinks that Autumn has a distinct smell and feel to it? Idk.. maybe it is, but I love, love, love it. Thanksgiving is next week and I am looking forward to that.. AND I get Black Friday off which means I get to do some wicked holiday shopping.. which I am stoked about! :) Oh.. yeah.. I don't think that I have gotten a chance to update the rest of the blogger/blogspot community, but as of about a month and a half ago I have officially begun to work at Starbuck's! All the free coffee and tea I can dream of and I am happy. :) I won't lie.. the first two weeks were difficult.. but I find that I am really enjoying it. We just had our holiday change over in our store a few days ago and everything is all Christmasy and wonderful. Holiday mugs are out.. (I bought an amazing reindeer one that I am quite fond of) and starting TODAY.. all Starbuck's partners (employees) get 40% off of their Starbuck's purchases! Hello, mugs and french press, and the new Swell Season CD that I have been eyeing for weeks!

OH! And New Moon is tonight! I am going to the 10 pm showing at Aventura Mall and I'm excited! Kind of nervous.. considering I don't know really know any of the people that I am going with.. but excited nonetheless. :) Well, I must be going, but I shall post more later.
