Friday, November 20, 2009

Fall Loveliness

Goodness. It's been so long since I have been on here.
Tssk. Tssk.
I don't think very many people read this to begin with, so I'm sure it's not that big of a deal.. but alas, I shall attempt to write more often.
So lots of changes have been made since I have updated last!
It's really just crazy and I find myself still reeling from change.. but it's a good change, and I am looking forward to what God has planned for me. :)

So.. Fall is here! And it makes me happy. It's getting chillier out, and everything just smells nicer. Crisp. Lovely, in short. Is it just me, that thinks that Autumn has a distinct smell and feel to it? Idk.. maybe it is, but I love, love, love it. Thanksgiving is next week and I am looking forward to that.. AND I get Black Friday off which means I get to do some wicked holiday shopping.. which I am stoked about! :) Oh.. yeah.. I don't think that I have gotten a chance to update the rest of the blogger/blogspot community, but as of about a month and a half ago I have officially begun to work at Starbuck's! All the free coffee and tea I can dream of and I am happy. :) I won't lie.. the first two weeks were difficult.. but I find that I am really enjoying it. We just had our holiday change over in our store a few days ago and everything is all Christmasy and wonderful. Holiday mugs are out.. (I bought an amazing reindeer one that I am quite fond of) and starting TODAY.. all Starbuck's partners (employees) get 40% off of their Starbuck's purchases! Hello, mugs and french press, and the new Swell Season CD that I have been eyeing for weeks!

OH! And New Moon is tonight! I am going to the 10 pm showing at Aventura Mall and I'm excited! Kind of nervous.. considering I don't know really know any of the people that I am going with.. but excited nonetheless. :) Well, I must be going, but I shall post more later.


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