Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Just when I think I can breathe again, my bones quickly shatter to the floor.

I don't understand how I can be doing great one second, and the next second feel so completely helpless. How can one person render so much pain without even doing anything at all? I need to get away.. I need to be free of this maniacal hand that clutches me close when I'm mere moments away from flying. I am getting better. Every day will be a better day than the one before it, I have to believe that.. God is my Strength and He is truly all that I need. God will mend my bloodied heart, and the cuts will heal and it won't hurt so bad anymore. Scars may remain.. and my heart may jolt and ache when his scent reaches my nostrils or when the shadows slyly slip past my defense.. but I have to rely on God, I have to seek Him, and I have to remind myself that it won't sting forever. It won't always feel like I'm struggling to breathe.. my eyes won't always have to fight against the surging tide it struggles to conceal.

I will be okay.
Jesus is my Hope.

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