Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Dote-Worthy Directors Part IV: Darren Aronofsky

If you have not heard of, nor seen, any of Darren Aronofsky's films, believe me when I say you are sorely missing out. I can rest assured knowing that when I sit down to watch an Aronofsky film, I will not only enjoy it, but I will leave doing something that all films in some extent or another should do-- make the viewer THINK.

The first Aronofsky film that I ever had the pleasure to watch was an independent film that not too many people have heard of called Pi.

This film chronicles a paranoid mathematician scrambling for a number that will solve all of the universe's mysteries. I won't say too much, lest I give it away, but it is such a brilliant film. One thing that sets it apart from others is that it was shot in a modern noir style. Noir is one of my absolute favorite film styles and it's a shame that it is not used very much today.

After watching Pi, my next brush with Aronofsky came in the form of Requiem for a Dream.

This film is a little bit more widely known, and the first film for which he was truly noted. It is the chilling and heart wrenching story of four drug-addicted individuals. This movie was a difficult one to sit through and watch, but I loved it because of its realism and fearlessness. It really sheds a light into what life is for those that suffer from intense addictions to drugs.

The Fountain is another one of Aronofsky's films that I love.

This film can be a little more difficult to follow-- in fact-- I had to re-watch it a few times to really catch the meaning, and even then, it's one of those type of films that lets you come to your own conclusions. All I can say is that it is visually beautiful and so packed with depth that it's hard not to walk away from it unaffected.

The last Aronofsky film I will highlight is the most recent and perhaps the one that he will go down as best known for, The Black Swan.

There is a lot of controversy surrounding this film.. and make note.. this film is not for everyone, but you have to appreciate the art of film making during this one. I absolutely LOVED this movie-- point blank. It was genius from start to finish in my opinion. Every now and then, a film will come around that reminds me why I am going into the film industry.This year, the Black Swan, was definitely it.. it left me speechless and tearful. I was mostly silent for a good hour after watching because of the beauty and emotion that this film provoked. I highly recommend it, though, I advise you again, this is not the film for everyone. If you are easily spooked, and do not like sexually explicit scenes, then you may want to opt out of this one.

All in all-- Darren Aronofsky is one of my favorite directors for reasons that I can't really even fully explain. This blog has been mostly highlighting his films, because in my opinion, I believe that it conveys why he's so brilliant better than my words ever could.

Until next time, my dear readers!

Love & love,

Karla Von Guerra.

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