Thursday, March 31, 2011

Dote-Worthy Directors Part V: Steven Spielberg


I mean, the man is a legend. I honestly could gloat about all how great of a film maker he is, about how he has revolutionized the film industry, about how every film that this man touches is golden, about how you associate the words "classic" and "Spielberg" almost automatically, but the truth is, if you live in any country that has even a remote bit of technology, you have seen one of this man's movies. I grew up on Spielberg movies and I love them every bit now as I did when I was younger. Although Tim Burton is my personal muse and inspiration, Spielberg definitely laid that foundation down, and I can only hope to accomplish even just a speck of the success and longevity that Spielberg has earned.

The other day, my boyfriend, our friend, Chris, and I decided to get together and do a test shoot-- which isn't necessarily out of the ordinary, since we do test shoots quite a bit. However, with this specific instance, we got together to do a shot primarily testing out what we like to call "The Spielberg Effect". As film makers, there is no question that we have been influenced and inspired by Spielberg.. in fact.. we're avid fans of his. With the release of Super 8 nearing, however, we were more tempted than ever attempt to recreate that "classic Spielberg look". You guys know what I'm talking about. You can't quite put your finger on it.. but you know a Spielberg film when you see one. There is a certain quality to something that Spielberg has worked on, and we wanted to attempt to recreate it. If you haven't seen the test shot here it is:

It needs more work, of course, but I think we did rather decently considering it was our first shot and we don't necessarily have a studio at out disposal. BUT ANYWAYS.. I'm trailing off here.. the whole reason I bring this up is because we decided to study some Spielberg films and certain shots and try to decipher what it is about Spielberg films that set it apart from others. We came up with several different answers-- all of which are valid-- but I wanted to share with you what I personally have found that I love about his films.

All of Spielberg's films tend to deal with some kind of element that is seemingly far greater than the characters in his films.. or humanity as a whole for that matter. Don't believe me? Let's go over just a few of his films, shall we:

*Jaws: Mega shark threatening to kill off an entire community.
*E.T.: Alien encounter.
*Back to the Future: The possibility of time travel.
*Close Encounters of the Third Kind: Again, aliens.
*Jurassic Park: Dinosaurs..

Beginning to see a pattern, here? I thought so. What I love about his films is the way that he depicts humanity in these instances-- as such a small speck compared to such seemingly grandiose things-- and the fact that in the midst of depicting the frailty and minute condition of humans.. his films don't make you feel hopeless. Not in the least bit.. rather.. you feel a sense of awe and wonder. Any film maker can easily bring that feeling of characters seeming small and overwhelmed by their surroundings about by implementing an extreme long shot, but it takes a GREAT film maker to make you feel awe and wonder while viewing the shot.. and THAT is just one reason why I love his films.

I've talked for quite a while now about Spielberg, so I will attempt to make this short and just list a few of his films that are favorites of mine:

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial

Back to the Future

Jurassic Park

Indiana Jones


I seriously could go on and on but I'll spare you lovely readers my rambling. Normally, this is the point in my post where I would recommend you go out and watch these films.. but I am sure most of you have.. therefore.. I beseech you to go out and watch Super 8 when it hits theaters this summer.

This film is directed by J.J. Abrams and produced by Steven Spielberg and it certainly has Classic Spielberg written all over it. It is E.T. meets the present, yet still set in the 80's, shrouded in mystery. Seriously.. there has been so much talk over this film and yet nothing is revealed. I cannot wait for it to hit theaters. If you haven't seen the trailer you can watch it here:

Love and love,

Karla Von Guerra.


  1. I love Spielberg! Don't forget Schindler's List and the project that came out of that! He hasn't been recognized nearly enough by the industry (I think he's only won 3 Oscars, two for Schindler's List and I think one for Saving Private Ryan). He's been doing movies (directing or producing) since the 70's, he should have more Oscars! Just saying. =>

    Your test shoot looks good!! Can't wait to see it expanded.

    Super 8 looks like ET meets Signs (I know he didn't do Signs). Can't wait to see it!

    ♥ ♥

  2. I completely agree! Even though he is one of Hollywood's most noted directors/producers, he definitely hasn't received nearly as much recognition as he should.. Also considering that his career has spanned over 30 almost 40 years.. and he's still pumping out movies like crazy. I love him. And yes! I forgot to mention Schindler's List and a myriad of others.. there's just so many good ones out there! :) Thanks for the feedback on the test shot.. we'll continue to work on it over the next couple of weeks.. and I'm glad you're excited for Super 8 too! It seems Larry, Chris, and I are the only ones excited for it, so I'm happy to know there are others who are awaiting its arrival. :) <3 you, Mama Weasley!
