Thursday, April 14, 2011



After nearly two months of post-production, my first short is done! :) I am so excited about this small accomplishment of mine. Granted, it isn't the best or most awe inspiring thing.. It was written, scripted, & storyboarded in one day and shot within a couple of hours.. but I really worked hard on this thing.. ESPECIALLY in post-production. It's crazy how much work goes into a 5 minute short. Film making has been something that I have been passionate about my whole life.. but have become really hard core about over the past almost two years when I walked away from my prior field of study to pursue my passion-- film making. Ever since then, making my first short has always seemed beyond reach for one lame excuse or another-- lack of experience, lack of equipment, too scared of failure.. the list goes on and on. Needless to say, I did a lot of postponing-- until recently. I have to give credit where credit is due. I have my boyfriend, Larry, to thank for pushing me to actually create something when I was too scared to take a leap of faith. He's been so awesome.. teaching me what I didn't know, encouraging me, and sitting by me when I've broken down and literally cried when I couldn't understand a concept while editing or color correcting or working with audio. I can't thank him enough for everything that he has done to bring this project to life for me. I also have to thank my wonderful friends, who also served as a force of encouragement to me when I was feeling down or self-conscious about my lack of expertise in this field. I really wouldn't have been able to finish what I set out to start without them prodding me to continue, even when I knew that this short would be silly, stupid, and barely noticed.

Again.. this is not a mind blowing film. It's not smart. It's not packing a punch. It's not awe inspiring. It's shaky and clumsy and silly and ridiculous but it's mine.. and despite everything.. I am proud today. Proud that I took this step. Proud that I am able to showcase this when it makes me feel so self-conscious and vulnerable that I shake when I watch it.. but I am proud. This is just the first step of an amazing, incredible, and beautiful journey into film making that I am so glad to be immersed in. That being said, here you go, muffins. My first short:

PLEASE... please.. if you are going to watch, do me a solid & set the quality to 1080p using the drop down arrow. It's currently set at 360p.. and it literally makes me cringe to see the video playing at that quality. Just know.. it was shot in HD.. and it's best viewed that way. Haha. Soooo.. remember.. 1080p. :)

Love & love,
Karla Von Guerra.


  1. That was soooooo cute! I love the way the cat looked at the camera! (Naturally I would love the cat). You did a very good job and I'm proud of you.

    You's fabu!

    ♥ ♥

  2. Thank you, Mama Weasley! It really does mean a lot. :)) I love you!
