Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Quick Little Post..

To let you guys know what I have been up to.
: )

I have been absolutely swamped with work, school work, and PRE-PRODUCTION. Ah! I really feel as though I am going mad.
Can I be honest, though?


*I find I quite enjoy it.* :)

I never thought I would be one to enjoy "busy-ness", but I am finding I am falling in love with it. I think it could be cos I am finally going into film (beautiful, wonderful film!) and I am in love with every step of the process of bringing this short film to life. It is exhausting, for sure, and I am learning as I go, because I haven't really even started my first semester of film.. but I am excited and I have spent much of my time doing research, research, research. I must also say, I have a new found appreciation for film makers everywhere now. I never realized that there was so much work that a film maker had to account for! I have just started (I know, should have started wayy earlier) having to give myself daily checklists, goals, and map out a personal calendar for me to get things done by (aside from the official production calendar) and I'm also currently setting up a production notebook. I get the feeling this notebook will most likely be my best friend for the next couple of months straight up until the end of post-production, which I suppose isn't a bad thing since it will help me stay organized!

I am also finding that I must learn to delegate. Naturally being a perfectionist, I want to get everything done on my own, especially when I have a project that is dear to my heart. I want to ensure everything goes as I planned and envisioned it. I am, however, learning that this maniacal perfectionism may just turn around and bite me in the rear if I don't learn to delegate soon. I mean, that's what a crew is for, right? Right.
Until I remember that I don't technically have a crew.

So maybe I do have to run around like a mad woman for a few months to pull this off until I find some trusted crew members. :)

I have much left to do, such as casting, scouting locations, rehearsals, rentals, props, costumes, etc.. and this is only a 12-15 minutes film! Oy vey. I can only imagine when I start doing feature length films! It's a good thing I am in love with what I do. :) A big, big thank you and I love you to Lydia Joy for helping so much with this project of mine thus far. She's a gem and a dear, dear friend! :)

Well, that is all for now, lovelies. I think I am going to hit the hay. I have a busy week ahead of me with finals close at hand as well! I love all of you muffins and will update soon! :)



  1. Just remember it is a 12-15 minute production, don't make it too large (cast or location or special effects). Look at some of the early productions put on by others who were just starting out. Most of the time their production is very small. Also, remember with a little costuming changes and stratigraphic posing you can use one person in several ways. Bill and I watched a major TV show being filmed on the streets of Pasadena and they had at most a half dozen extras, but when the shoot was done it looked like they had more like two dozen extras. It was fun to watch the filming and then to see the final cut on TV. ♥

  2. Yes, I keep having to cut things down, but I am thinking of heading in a different direction with this film entirely. I have realized this idea and script I have been developing will be shot and created to its full potential if I wait until I can fully shoot it and edit it with the experience I need digitally. The vision that I have for it is quite extensive on the animation and graphics side. So, I am saving this particular film project for next year.

    Now, I still need a film for this year, and I have a script that has been formulating in my head for quite a while. It will fit nicely within the time frame, only it requires more costuming and specific shot locations and contains heavy content. Not in the bad sense, but it carries a very sad undertone. I will have to explain it to you further in detail. I am speaking to Lydia about it tomorrow, and I am really excited about it.

    That tip about the extras is something I recently learned about through a friend who is also a film maker.. I shall have to put it to good use! Thanks Mama Weasley! :) Love you! <3
